20120416 – 05h30 – 10-4

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20120416 – 05h30 – 10-4JM + WarmUp (160 club) Select yourself a pair of manageable, but very challenging KB’sFrom the Basic12Sw2h x10, J2 x4SwL x10, J2 x4SwR x10, J2 x4SwA x10, J2 x4CL x10, J2 x4CR x10, J2 x4Pp/J-L x10, J2 x4Pp/J-R x10, J2 x4SnL x10, J2 x4SnR x10, J2 x4C+Pp/J-L x10, J2 x4C+Pp/J-R x10, J2 x4 Repeat

20120414 – 07h00 – Density vs. Volume

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JM + WarmUp (160 club) Grab yourself 6 different kettlebells. So the light one is KB#1, the heavy one is KB#6As the weight(density) goes down, the volume goes up. 100club KB#6 (28kg)1x 60s situp120club KB#5 (24kg)1x 60s situp160club KB#4 (22kg)1x 60s situp200club KB#3 (20kg)1x 60s situp240club KB#2 (18kg)1x 60s situp300club KB#1 (16kg)1x 60s situp

20120412 – 05h30 – one-sided boxing bells

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JM + WarmUp (160 club) Boxing 90sSkipping 60sKettlebell (from list below, in sequence) 90sOther (from list below, in sequence) 60s 10 rounds in total. Do ALL the Left side ones before moving to your right hand. 1.Swings L2.Cleans L3.Press/Jerk L4.Snatch L5.C+Pp/J L6.Swings R7.Cleans R8.Press/Jerk R9.Snatch R10.C+Pp/J R 1.Spetsnaz Roll2.Evil Wheel3.Scissor Jumps4.Pistols5.Walking Bridge So, to clarify…Boxing,Skipping,Swings(L),Spetsnaz RollBoxing,Skipping,Cleans(L),Evil WheelBoxing,Skipping,Pp/J(L),Scissor JumpsBoxing,Skipping,Snh(L),PistolsBoxing,Skipping,C+Pp/J(L),Walking BridgeBoxing,Skipping,Swings(R),Spetsnaz RollBoxing,Skipping,Cleans(R),Evil WheelBoxing,Skipping,Pp/J(R),Scissor JumpsBoxing,Skipping,Snh(R),PistolsBoxing,Skipping,C+Pp/J(R),Walking Bridge

20120411 – 05h30 – Some things with Burpee-Pullups

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JM + WarmUp (160 club) OAJ-L, OAJ-R, SnL, SnR, J2, Burpee-Pullup [1++]Start with 1 of each…add one extra every round The Burpee-Pullup… start just below the pullup bar. Do a burpee (YES, a proper one where you include a pullup and a jump)… The jump launches you up to the pullup bar, so grab it (while you’re still moving upwards) and do a pullup. A good jump (which is kinda hard) results in an easier pullup. A bad jump (which is a bit easier, results in the pullup being a bit harder. You choose!