20110510 – 05h30 – A bit more legwork
JM + WarmUp (160 club) 12 KB exercises – an inbetweener – 12 Leg/Core exercisesStart on one side of the arena.Do the KB exercise (45 reps).Then do 3x pullups/swingups, 1x TGU (either arm), 3 BurpeesThen using the leg exercise, move across the arena to the other side where you start your next set of KB exercises. Sw2h RunSwL BoundSwR LungesSwA GooseStep LungesCL Side SquatsCR DragonLungesPpL DuckWalkPpR BunnyHopsSnL OH-GooseStepLungesSnR SpiderManLC-L 1L-bounding-Hops(AlternatingLegs)LC-R KB InchWorm