20110425 – 07h00 – Pure Terror! Happy Birthday!
It’s another birthday workout. Megan is 46 today.
The numbers are… 46 – 25/4/1965 (4 25 19 65 46)
So we’ll do the following…
46 exercises:
ShuttleRuns, StepUps(HiBench), BrS, ScJ, SnL, PpR, Sw2h, SnR, SwL, GuS, PillarLunge-L, CR, PpL, SwA, SwR, CL, TheDoug, SqJ, Pushups, SnatchPulls, DBL-C+P, Bp, DBL-Pp/J, Pullups, SwingUps, PillarLunges-R, BrR, DBL-C, BoxPistols, DragonLunge(IsometricHold)-L, Skipping, BrL, RopeTuckJumps, 1L-DL-L, NinjaPushups, Situps/JackKnives, 1L-DL-R, EW, DragonLunge(IsometricHold)-R, BrW, SqCossack, TGU, MR, SqG, BulgarianBag spins, BoxSqJ
65s work, 19s rest
pause every 25 sets for a water break
Finish with a 4min bridge
If you make/made it through this one, consider yourself pretty damned hardcore