20110723 – 07h00 – The Active Rest PsychoRammstein (Psycho Rammstein)
JM + WarmUp (160 club)
The standard Rammstein workout is..
4 stations at each of 4 sites
1) 30s at each station within a site, rest 30s, next site…. once all 4 are done, skip for 4x30s(2mins)
2) 45s at each station within a site, rest 45s, next site…. once all 4 are done, skip for 4x45s(3mins)
3) 60s at each station within a site, rest 60s, next site…. once all 4 are done, skip for 4x60s(4mins)
The psycho Rammstein is longer. At the centre of each site is a burpee set, so you do (round 1) …
exercise #1 30s, burpees 30s
exercise #2 30s, burpees 30s
exercise #3 30s, burpees 30s
exercise #4 30s, burpees 30s
rest 30s….then to next site and repeat pattern
round 2 is 45s instead of 30s, and round 3 is 60s
Site 1: SwL PpL PpR SwR
Site 2: SnL KB-crunch KB-tapout SnR
Site 3: CL BulgarianBag CR SeeSaw-presses
Site 4: RussianTwist StepUps(running) SpetsnazRolls StepSideShuffle
This ROCKED!!!
HRMax= xxx kcal= xxx