20111117 – 05h30 – 10-24-16
JM + WarmUp (160 club)
Grab 4 KB’s – 1 heavy one, and one heavier (eg. 24kg and 32kg) and a pair of medium/light ones (2x20kg)
We use the Singles10 – SwL,SwR,CL,CR,Pp/JL,Pp/JR,SnL,SnR,LC-L,LC-R
1) 10 reps from Singles10 with your lighter KB(24kg) .. each followed by GuS 5L+5R with the heavier KB(32kg) [there’s 10 sets of GuS’s]
2) 24 reps from Singles10 with your lighter KB(24kg) .. each followed by GuS 5L+5R with the heavier KB(32kg) [there’s 10 sets of GuS’s]
3) 16 reps from Singles10 with your lighter KB(28kg) .. each followed by GuS 5L+5R with the heavier KB(36kg) [there’s 10 sets of GuS’s]
On the very very last LC/OAJ’s try 32kg and GuS with 40kg