20120225 – 07h00 – Shannon’s B/D workout
JM + WarmUp (200 club)
Shannon had her birthday on Wednesday. 22-2-74 (38yrs).
As per the tradition we use the numbers of her date of birth and age to make up a workout.
22 exercises, 74 reps on each. A maximum of 2 attempts to get through the 74 (ie. you get 1 rest/pause/stop per set of 74)
If you stop >1 you get 1 penalty point per stoppage. 1 penalty point=1 TGU
SwL, SwR, SwA, Sw2h, CL, CR, Pp/J-L, Pp/J-R, SnL, SnR, LC-L, LC-R
Sw2, C2, Pp/J2
Burpees, EvilWheel, GobletSquats, DragonLunge, KB-leapfrog, GuS, SpetsnazRoll
and of course 38 scissorJumps to finish up.