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The Corona pandemic has necessitated a change to training timing and space. To assist you to keep fit and healthy, we are going to offer online daily WotD’s(Workout of the Day). I will keep the initial WotD’s very simple in terms of timings so that you can use a clock or something if you don’t have a fancy timer (see below and see this post for recommendations).

There will be 2 attached workout files: BW=BodyWeight option, KB=KettleBell option.
There will be 2 formats: XML=Impetus Pro, SecondsPro version.

To import the workout in both cases, you need the “professional” versions that are supposed to support import/export. They cost about $2 or $3 as far as I know, and I can not offer any guarantees about whether you’ll like them, since I didn’t write them
I can’t guarantee that these will work, but if you send me feedback/error messages, I’ll try to fix them.

You could just download a simple, free workout timer app for free, although it won’t “speak” the exercises so you’ll need to keep track of where you are.

The layout is
Seconds (NOT reps)     Exercise

The workout sequences – both are ~46mins long
BodyWeight Workout
WotD:20200323-Mon(BW):Impetus or 20200323-Mon(BW):SecondsPro
40s Bodyweight Squats
40s Pushups
40s Bridge L
40s Bridge R
40s Bridge Strict
40s Skipping without a rope
40s Ski Hold
40s Bridge L
40s Bridge R
40s Cossack Squats

KettleBell Workout
WotD:20200323-Mon(KB):Impetus or 20200323-Mon(KB):SecondsPro
40s Bodyweight Squats
40s Cleans L
40s Cleans R
40s Cleans Double
40s Ski Hold
40s Ninja Pushups
40s Jerks L
40s Jerks R
40s Jerks Double
40s Skipping
40s Long Cycle L
40s Long Cycle R
40s Long Cycle Double
40s Cossack Squats

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