20111216 – 07h00 – Randoms in sevens with TGU’s
JM + WarmUp (160 club) 7 Rows as follows:Pillar Lunge R, Pillar Lunge L, Cleans L, TGU (L/R)Windmill L, Windmill R, Pp/J-L, TGU (L/R)Cleans R, Pp/J-R, E/W, TGU (L/R)SwR, SnR, BrL, TGU (L/R)Hamstrung, Double-C+P/J, BrW, TGU (L/R)Jerk Specific Squats, Ninja Pushups, SwA, TGU (L/R)SwL, SnL, BrR, TGU (L/R) Work 80s, rest/setup 10s. Do all 3 from the row, then finish the row with TGU’s – 1L 1R 1L 1R etc. Rest 20s at the end of the row. Move to next row.Twice on each row