20111020 – 05h30 – LEGS (as promised)
JM + WarmUp (160 club) Pulsed Goblet Squats. Start at the bottom. Do several reps… stop at the bottom while “resting”…repeatBetween each set do Swings, or Cleans.The squats are with a lighter weight (eg 16kg-20kg) and the other is with a heavier one eg.24kg 16kg6 sets of 3 reps (Swings Alternate x50)7 sets of 3 reps (Swings Alternate x50)8 sets of 3 reps (Swings Alternate x50)9 sets of 3 reps (Swings Alternate x50)10 sets of 3 reps (Swings Alternate x50) 18kg5 sets of 4 reps (Cleans 30+30)6 sets of 4 reps (Cleans 30+30)7 sets of 4 reps (Cleans 30+30)8