20110811 – 05h30 – single-skip-double-skip
JM + WarmUp (160 club) 50s single KB50s skip50s double KB50s skip30s rest 16 rounds HRMax= xxx kcal= xxx
JM + WarmUp (160 club) 50s single KB50s skip50s double KB50s skip30s rest 16 rounds HRMax= xxx kcal= xxx
JM + WarmUp (160 club) 3xTGU-L, 3xTGU-R30 KB move from basic12 (so 12 sets)Steve Cotter Lunge O.H 40mSkip 150Steve Cotter Lunge O.H backwards 40m HRMax= xxx kcal= xxx
JM + WarmUp (160 club) Sw2h DBL-JSwL DBL-JSwR DBL-JSwA DBL-JCL DBL-JCR DBL-JPpL DBL-JPpR DBL-JSnL DBL-JSnR DBL-J 1) 10 10 (10 single KB moves, followed by 10 double jerks)2) 20 10 (20 single KB moves, followed by 10 double jerks)3) 30 10 (30 single KB moves, followed by 10 double jerks) HRMax= xxx kcal= xxx
JM + WarmUp (160 club) 7/8/2011 marks a 2 year milestonethe significant numbers are2 6 7 8 9 10 11, so we’ll do a pyramid using these SwL SwR ScissorJumpsCL CR ScissorJumpsPpL PpR ScissorJumpsSnL SnR ScissorJumpsC+P-L C+P-R ScissorJumps 2 6 7 8 9 10 11 10 9 8 7 6 2 Decided to do 11 scissorJumps on every loop instead of the pyramid number – this killed the legs! HRMax= xxx kcal= xxx
JM + WarmUp (160 club) VO2max’s: 15:15 for 10mins, then rest 1min ScissorJumpsSquat Press (thruster)Mountain RunSwings (2-handed heavy)GetUp situps (O.H)SlingshotsKB-leapfrog1L-deadlifts HRMax= xxx kcal= xxx