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Steve Cotter – THE greatest kettlebell coach that has ever lived

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Today, we are here to celebrate Steve Cotter’s 55th birthday, and born in 1970, it turns out, he’ll be 55 forever. A phenomenal and athletic personality – listed in the “top 100 fittest people on earth” several times. Always up for a laugh, or a challenge, or an adventure, he has taught and united people of all walks of life and of every possible creed on 6 continents and in 75 countries. There are at least a million people on earth today who have learned many training and life lessons from & with him and we count ourselves fortunate

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Your very own hand-made competition spec KettleBALL

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The kettlebell is one of the most useful, versatile training tools in existence. It is not elitist. It is literally the tool for ALL the people. Inexpensive, universal. Rich or poor, novice or expert…kettlebell training is beneficial to anyone and everyone. The only problem….the casting process, particularly of competition kettlebells, is usually complicated, so not everyone has access to kettlebells…YET! The IKFF is about sharing the love… create unity, and bring wellness to EVERYONE. Well, in order to share the love, we at IKFF have come up with a method that will allow EVERYONE to make their own… very,

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The layout is Seconds (NOT reps)     Exercise The workout sequences – ~44/44mins long BodyWeight Workout WotD:20200331-Tue(BW):Impetus or 20200331-Tue(BW):SecondsPro 30++10 Rest 30 30 30 Hold 30 Half Pulse Squats 20 30 30 Hold 20 Half Pulse Squats 40 Bicycle 30 Scissor Jumps 30 Bicycle 20 Scissor Jumps 40 V sit 60 Ski Hold x7 KettleBell Workout WotD:20200331-Tue(KB):Impetus or 20200331-Tue(KB):SecondsPro 30++10 Rest 30 Swings L,R,Alt 30 Half Pulse Squats 45 Cleans L,R,2 30 Half Pulse Squats 60 Jerks L,R,2 30 Half Pulse Squats 60 Snatch L,R x4


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The layout is Seconds (NOT reps)     Exercise The workout sequences – ~47/48mins long BodyWeight Workout WotD:20200330-Mon(BW):Impetus or 20200330-Mon(BW):SecondsPro 30++10 Rest 60 Squats 40 Kickouts 30 Squat Jumps 40 Jack Knives Alt 30 Scissor Jumps 90 Skipping 40 Kickouts 60 One Squat, One Squat Jump 40 V sit x6 KettleBell Workout WotD:20200330-Mon(KB):Impetus or 20200330-Mon(KB):SecondsPro 30++10 Rest 30 Swings 2 20 Leap Frog 60 Cleans 2 25 Leap Frog 60 Skipping 60 Jerks 2 40 V sit 60 Snatch L,R x6


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The layout is Seconds (NOT reps)     Exercise The workout sequences – ~52/46mins long BodyWeight Workout WotD:20200328-Sat(KB):Impetus or 20200328-Sat(KB):SecondsPro 30++10 Rest 60 Skipping 60 Squats 60 Skipping 60 Bridge 60 Skipping 40 Jack Knives L,R 60 Skipping 40 Kickouts 60 Skipping 40 Bicycle x5 KettleBell Workout WotD:20200328-Sat(KB):Impetus or 20200328-Sat(KB):SecondsPro 30++10 Rest 60 Swings L,R 60 Squats 60 Cleans L,R 60 Bridge 60 Jerks L,R 40 Jack Knives L,R 60 Snatch L,R 40 Kickouts 60 Long Cycle L,R 40 Bicycle x3


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The layout is Seconds (NOT reps)     Exercise The workout sequences – ~44/42mins long BodyWeight Workout WotD:20200327-Fri(BW):Impetus or 20200327-Fri(BW):SecondsPro 30++15 Rest 60 Squats 30 Squat Jumps 50 Squats 30 Scissor Jumps 60 Squats 25 Scissor Cubed Jumps 50 Squats 40 Ski Hold 30 Kickouts x6 KettleBell Workout WotD:20200327-Fri(KB):Impetus or 20200327-Fri(KB):SecondsPro 30++15 Rest 60 Bodyweight Squats 30 Scissor Jumps 60 Swings 2 45 Goblet Squats 25 Scissor Jumps 60 Cleans 2 30 Squats 2 60 Snatch L,R 20 Scissor Jumps x5