20120418 – 05h30 – Double Jerks
JM + WarmUp (160 club) 60s work, 60s rest, 5 sets in a row, then a short stretch/rest break6 rounds, increasing the weight on each round Simple… Double Jerks at a fast pace
JM + WarmUp (160 club) 60s work, 60s rest, 5 sets in a row, then a short stretch/rest break6 rounds, increasing the weight on each round Simple… Double Jerks at a fast pace
JM + WarmUp (160 club) Press/Jerk LPress/Jerk RBridge/PlankEvilWheelWalkingBridgeDouble CleansBodyWeight SquatsSkipping/RopeJumpGoblet SquatsSnatches LSnatches R Everything for 50s. Then rest 50s. 6 rounds
20120416 – 05h30 – 10-4JM + WarmUp (160 club) Select yourself a pair of manageable, but very challenging KB’sFrom the Basic12Sw2h x10, J2 x4SwL x10, J2 x4SwR x10, J2 x4SwA x10, J2 x4CL x10, J2 x4CR x10, J2 x4Pp/J-L x10, J2 x4Pp/J-R x10, J2 x4SnL x10, J2 x4SnR x10, J2 x4C+Pp/J-L x10, J2 x4C+Pp/J-R x10, J2 x4 Repeat
JM + WarmUp (160 club) Grab yourself 6 different kettlebells. So the light one is KB#1, the heavy one is KB#6As the weight(density) goes down, the volume goes up. 100club KB#6 (28kg)1x 60s situp120club KB#5 (24kg)1x 60s situp160club KB#4 (22kg)1x 60s situp200club KB#3 (20kg)1x 60s situp240club KB#2 (18kg)1x 60s situp300club KB#1 (16kg)1x 60s situp
JM + WarmUp (160 club) SwL, SwR, BCL, CR, BPp/J-L, Pp/J-R, BSnL, SnR, BC+Pp/J-L, C+Pp/J-R, B B is as follows:Spetsnaz RollEvil WheelScissor JumpsPistolsWalking Bridge